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Master’s project in SONAE IM.LAB @FEUP ends successfully

The master’s dissertation of student André Almeida Baptista, from MIEIC, carried out within the scope of the SONAE IM.LAB @FEUP initiative with the company Inovretail ends successfully.

The results achieved deserved note of congratulation of Hugo Lopes, CTO @Inovretail: “A new project between Inovretail and Sonae IM Labs ended with fantastic achievements. Together we developed PASTPROP, a powerful deep learning algorithm that identifies and corrects historical data anomalies improving forecast accuracy up to 90%. Thank you André Baptista for you fantastic work. ”

SONAE IM.LAB @FEUP congratulates the student and the project supervisors, which is a good example of the collaboration between academia and industry in creating a true community of joint knowledge to enhance the practical impact of innovation in the market.